
0 Some basic properties Fortran code is case insensitive Fortran code must be written in a program, similar to the main() function in C Example 1 Hello World 1 2 3 program hello_world print *,'Hello World' end program hello_world ...

November 19, 2022 · 5 min · 1027 words · CYLiu

Neovim lsp配置

之前一直是vim原教旨主义者,只用官方的vim,但是vim9推出之后看到网上的评价是重新做了一份插件语言,而neovim可以兼容vim还可以用lua配置,其次neovim内置lsp,想起之前配置语言自动补全的失败经历,尝试了下neovim的配置,果然方便太多了。 下面记录配置python lsp的过程。 ...

July 9, 2022 · 1 min · 66 words · CYLiu

Personal Download Site

AList My personal drive, based on this project. Physics folder username “liucy”, password “liucy”. Mathematics folder username “cyliu”, password “cyliu”. TE (The Economist magazine) folder username “TE”, password “theeconomist”. Code folder username “codecyl”, password “codecyl”. Languages folder username “cyllang”, password “cyllang”.

November 14, 2021 · 1 min · 41 words · CYLiu


内网穿透 最简单的方案为ssh端口转发,但是ssh断掉之后不会自动重连,我们需要autossh,它可以监控本地端口状态自动重连 ...

September 28, 2021 · 1 min · 69 words · CYLiu


前天把阿里云服务器的Ubuntu重装成了ArchLinux ...

April 19, 2021 · 1 min · 135 words · CYLiu