Word Power Made Easy reading notes
14 How to tak about common phenomena and occurence
Session 39
word | meaning |
penury | poverty |
vicarious | second hand |
ephemeral | impermanent |
euphemisms | circumlocution |
badinage | banter |
bovine | placid stolid cowlike |
nostalgia | homesickness |
cacophonous | harsh noise |
clandestine | secret |
Session 40
root/suffix/prefix | meaning | Examples |
penuria | need, neediness | penurious |
fluo | to flow | affluence, influence, fluid |
opulentus | wealthy | opulence |
ephemera | dayfly | ephemral |
vanesco | to vanish | evanesce |
-esce | begin to | adolenscent |
eu- | good | euphemism |
pheme | voice | euphemism |
phone | sound | euphony |
platypus | broad, flat | plateau, plate , platter, platypus |
odyne | pain | anodyne |
word | composition | meaning |
penury | penuria | dire, abject poverty |
penurious | penuria | poverty-stricken, stingy, close-fisted, niggardly, syn parimonious, but penurious is stronger |
indigence | milder than penury | |
destitute | close syn of penurious, noun destitution | |
affluence | ad + fluo | possesion of money, adj affluent |
opulence | opulentus | lavish expenditure and ostentatiously luxurious surroundings, adj opulent |
ephemeral | ephemera | short-lived |
evanscent | ex + vanesco + ent | fleeting, staying for a short time, vanishing, noun evanescence, evanesce |
adolescent | esce | beginning to grow up |
evanesce | esce | begin to vanish |
convalesce | -esce | begin to get well after illness |
putrescent | -esce | beginning to rot |
obsolescent | -esce | becoming obsolete |
euphemism | eu + pheme | something said in a good voice, indirect |
euphony | eu + phone | good sound |
eulogy | eu + logos | good speech, a ormal speech of praise, adj, eulogist, v, eulogize, noun eulogist |
euphoria | eu | good feelings, adj euphoric |
euthanasia | eu + thanatos | good death, method of pianless death |
badinage | half-teasing, non-malicious, frivilous banter, intended to amuse | |
persiflage | syn of badinage, but more derisive, more contempt or mockery | |
cliche | a pattern of words which was new and fresh but now old | |
bromide | trite, dull and fallacious remark that show little evidence of original thinking | |
platitude | platys + tude | dull, trite, hackneyed, but the speaker uses it with an air of novelty |
anodyne | an + odyne | drugs that lessen pain or statements that intended to eliminate emotional pain or anxiety |
Session 41
root/suffix/prefix | meaning | Examples |
bovis | latin ox or cow | bovine |
-ine | like, similar to, characteristic of | bovine |
nostos | greek a return | nostalgia |
algos | greek pain | nostalgia |
kakos | bad, harsh, ugly | cacophony |
phone | sound | cacophony,telephone, euphony, phonograph,saxophone, phonetics, phonics |
xylon | wood | xylophone |
carnis | flesh | carnivorous |
voro | to devour | carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, voracious |
omni | all | omnivorous,omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibus |
potens, potentis | powerful | potentate, impotent, potent, potential |
sciens | knowing | omniscient |
clam | secretly | clandestine |
word | composition | meaning |
bovine | bovis + ine | like a cow |
leonine | leo + ine | like a lion |
canine | canis + ine | like a dog |
feline | felis + ine | catlike |
procine | porcus + ine | piglike |
vulpine | vulpus + ine | foxlike in apperance or temperament, shrew |
ursine | ursus + ine | bearlike |
lupine | lupus + ine | wolflike |
equine | equus + ine | horselike, horsy |
piscine | piscis + ine | fishlike |
nostalgia | nostos + algos | miss the past |
cacophony | kakos + phone | harsh-sounding |
cacopsis | eye offending | |
telephone | ||
euphony | ||
phonograph | ||
saxophone | ||
xylophone | xylon + phone | a musical instrument |
phonetics | ||
carnivorous | carnis + voro | meat eating animals |
herbivorous | herba + voro | plant eating |
omnivorous | omni + voro | eating everything |
voracious | ||
omnipotent | omni + potens, potentis | a powerful ruler |
impotent | im + potens, potentis | powerless |
potent | potens, potentis | powerful |
potential | potens, potentis | possessing power or ability not yet exercised |
omniscient | omnis + sciens | all-knowning, infinitely wise |
omnipresent | omni | present in all places at once |
ubiquitous | synonym of omnipresent | |
omnibus | omni | for all, including all |
carnelian | carnis | a reddish color, the color of flesh |
carnival | carnis | outdoor entertainment with games, rides, side shows and food |
carnal | carnis | signifying pleasures or appetites of the flesh rather than the spirit, sensual, lecherous, lascivious, lubricious |
carnage | carnis | great destruction of life |
reincarnation | carnis | a rebirth or reapperance |
incarnate | carnis | in the flesh |
clandestine | clam | secrecy or concelment in the working out of a plan that is dangerous or illegal, syn. surreptitious, stealthy, sneaky, furtive |
Session 42
word | meaning |
enervate | exhaust |
castigate | censure, scold; slash at verbally |
self-abnegation | deny oneself |
recapitulate | summarize |
vegetate | stagnate |
simulate | pretend |
intimate | suggest, hint |
commiserate | sympathize |
vacillate | waver |
Session 43
root/suffix/prefix | meaning | Examples |
nervus | latin, nerve | enervation |
ergon | work | energy |
syn | together, with | synergism |
nego | to deny | abnegate, negate |
caput, capitis | head | captain, captain |
vegeto | to live and grow | vegetable |
word | composition | meaning |
enervate | ex + nervus | nerves have been ripped out, complete devitalization |
energy | en + ergon | |
synergism | syn + ergon | the process by which two or more substances or drugs by working together produce a greater effect in combination |
synergy | syn + ergon | alternate form of synergism |
castigate | syn. criticize, rebuke, censure, reprimand, berate, stronger than rail at, rank at, slash at, lash out at, tongue-lash | |
abnegate | ab + nego | denial |
decapitate | capitis | chop off someone’s head |
capitulum | capitis | little head, the headdings, or title of a chapter |
recapitulate | captitis | go through the headdings, e.e summarize |
capitulate | captitis | arrange in headings, arrange conditions of surrender, stop resisting and give up |
vegetable | vegeto | |
vegetate | vegeto | do no more than stay alive, stuck in a rut, inactive unstimulating, emotionally and intellectually stagnant |
Session 44
root/suffix/prefix | meaning | Examples |
simulo | to copy | simulate |
similis | like or similar | similar |
intimus | innermost | intimate |
levis | light | alleviate |
miser | latin wretched | commiserate |
vacillo | to swing back and forth | vacillate |
oscillum | a swing | oscillate |
word | composition | meaning |
simulation | simulo | copy the real thing, pretending to be the genuine article by taking on a similar apperance |
dessimulate | simulo | hide your true feelings by making a pretense of opposite feelings |
dissemble | simulo | hide true feelings by pretending the opposite, to conceals the facts by deception, to pretend ignorance of facts rather than admit |
intimate | intimus | noun intimacy |
intimation | intimus | a significance buried deep in the innermost core |
alleviate | levis | to relieve temporarily, not to cure or do away with |
relieve | levis | to make light or ease again |
elevate | ex + levis | to raise up |
leviation | levis | rising through no visible means |
levity | levis | lightness in a sense of frivolity, flippancy, joking, a lack of seriousness |
commiserate | con + miser | wretched together with |
vacillate | vacillate | swing back and forth in indecisions, emotionally |
oscillate | oscillum | swing back and forth physically |
vacillatory | vacillate | adj. of vacillate |
ambivalent | ambi | have conflicting and simultaneous emotions about the same person or thing |